Monday, July 28, 2008


Whilst on my recent trip I was at an island for which the main form of transportation was either to walk by foot or by cycling. An alternative transportation, which I would class as more luxurious and occasional, would be the horse and carriage, mainly used as an attraction for the tourists visiting the island.

Whilst watching these horse driven carriages I noticed that the horse is made to wear a bridle along with eye covers which ensure that the horse's vision remains on the road and is not distracted towards the sides.

It is an important preparation for the rider to ensure the safety of the passengers as well as his well-being and that of the horse. Though the eye covers seem to be a restriction to the onlooker they actually ensure that the horse remains on the path he is supposed to take and is not distracted by other horses or disturbances which may occur in the surrounding.


As individuals we all have a unique lifestyle; one that is determined by the many choices we have made and intend to make as well as those matters which are beyond our control and, at times, beyond our imagination.

We experience, from day to day, sorrow, grief, happiness, anxiety, anger, stress, disbelief, exhaustion, depression and determination amongst many other emotions and feelings. At times these feelings determine our course of action and thereby set our lifestyle which we established for ourselves.

This is a matter which relates to our present, transitory life; the life of this temporary world.

However, whilst passing our days in this momentary world we are required to stay focused on our long-term goal, the Hereafter. It would be of no use to acquire success and prosperity in this world at the cost of the Hereafter just as it would be useless to acquire a short-term goal at the expense of the ultimate goal.

For example, to acquire qualifications in medication and thereafter work in a call-centre or factory where the conditions, perks and pay do not meet the standards who hoped for. Hence, the short term achievements are important as long as they serve as a stepping stone for the long-term goal.

In the same manner, all that we do in this world will only be deemed useful and of benefit if it becomes a means of acquiring salvation in the Hereafter and therefore it is vital to put these 'covers' upon our eyes which safeguard us from the distractions of this world and allow us to stay upon the 'straight path' which leads towards our ultimate goal and destination.

May Allah give us all the strength to stay firm on the straight path which He has clearly defined and set for us. May He give us the inclination to safeguard ourselves from the distractions which surround this path and towards which Shaytaan continually entices us. May He give us the inclination to strengthen our Taqwa so that the fear and love of Allah and His beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم become the 'covers' upon our eyes; guiding us to our ultimate goal, the Hereafter. Aameen.

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