Monday, August 22, 2005

Ups & Downs

This temporary world is an important reminder that this place is not paradise and nor is it problem free, for was it, there would have been no need to create paradise and its existence would not be unique and catching.

However, this world, being just in theory as a waiting room, brings along with it many difficulties. I realised this myself for the past for days or so. Sometimes life is so perfect and serene that one could not wish nor desire for anything more. And at other times, life can be so hard and demanding that death is not only an option, but in actual fact feels like a gift.

Although, I would not like to extend into details, nor do I want discuss my feelings at this very point... The matter which is important at the moment is that life has not been a comfortable ride recently. I do not complain, for this has not been the first time and I am certain that it shall not be the last.

Now, Alhumdulillah, I am feeling much better and then it occurred to me, during those few days thousands of thought went through my head and were washed down by hundred of tears, that I had not once left living, nor had I given up; I may have desired it, but nevertheless, I am sitting here, which denotes that I did not follow my desires.


The point is simple, where we have the materialistic side of this world; we also have the spiritual side that works in parallel. Just as the body has "ups and downs" in this world, so does the soul of a person feel the same "ups and downs" regarding its spiritual side. This feeling of "ups and downs" is known as "Qabz" (spiritually depleted state) and "Bust" (state of spiritual zenith).

In the state of Bust a person is willing and eager to worship Allah Ta'ala; it is in this state that he enjoys worshiping and being obedient to his Lord. No act or deed is too far fetched to carry out and he is able to carry out that which he has been ordered. In opposition is the state of Qabz in which man is a depleted and depressed state. He has no drive in him to carry out the acts which he has been ordered by his Lord nor is their any enjoyment for his soul in carrying these acts. But, in reality, it is within this state that the true test lies for the servant of Allah; for if he is successful and persuades his soul to worship Allah, despite detesting it and not gaining any pleasure, then surely he has reached fought his desires to a great level and therefore receives an equally high reward.

In conclusion, just as we fight our daily problems without letting the desires to give up succeed, so must we worship Allah Ta'ala without the urge to give up or forsake him, "for indeed with every difficulty comes easiness".

May Allah give us the ability to worship in every state, be it Qabz or Bust and may he make each state easy for us as the other. Aameen


Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum,

First of all, hope that you are bikhair now insha'Allah. I guess that these 'up and downs' have got to reach every human sooner or later and whatever happens, we cannot run away from it. What we should do is turn to Allah, for surely Allah Ta'ala tests His loved ones to see whever they will turn to Him during times of difficulty.

May Allah Ta'ala keep us guided and keep in our minds that whatever happens, in all times, good and bad, we must turn to Him as there is not helper but Him. Ameen.


Anonymous said...

Having just read ur blog...May Allah keep u happy and reward u abundantly for staying steadfast

mujahidah an nafs said...

Assalamu alaikum,

Jazakallah khair 4 that heart moving post. I pray that ur lyf is filled with happiness, ease and everything that may bring happiness 2u and may assist u in becuming closer to Allmighty Allah (swt).Ameen.

Indeed, with every hardship comes ease. Bearing this in mind Im sure we can all go a long way Inshallah.

Ameen 2 the duas by muslimah and anonymous.

Jazakallah khair


Zain said...

As Salaamu Alaykum,

Sister xmuslimahx

Jazakallah for your concern and Duas. Alhumdulillah all is well.

Indeed the hardships in this world are nothing but trials from Allah. Those who are beloved to Him receive more trials from Him so that through the success of these trials His beloved gets closer to Him.


Jazakallah for your comments. Ameen to Duas. May Allah also choose you for His Deen and guide you. Aameen.

Sister Mujahid An Nafs

Jazakallah for the comments and Duas. May Allah guide you and aid you in acquiring His eternal love. Aameen.


Anonymous said...

as salaamu alaikum

wow, i experience these states but i didn't know that names actually exist for them...I must remember them...Qabs and Bust...

"The point is simple, where we have the materialistic side of this world; we also have the spiritual side that works in parallel. Just as the body has "ups and downs" in this world, so does the soul of a person feel the same "ups and downs" regarding its spiritual side. This feeling of "ups and downs" is known as "Qabz" (spiritually depleted state) and "Bust" (state of spiritual zenith)."

Sometimes my life feels like a roller coaster...of qabs and's just when i think i can't take the 'qab' anymore that the 'bust' sets it and it's such a huge relief, alhumdulillah! Then i realize that maybe i needed the Qabs to truly and sincerely turn to Allah in Tawbah, as i probably wouldn't have done with such feelings before the qabs and i really appreciate being close to Allah then. jazakAllahu Khairan for the post and please remember us in ur Duas insha Allah, i really need them for sure.

was salaamu alaikum

Zain said...

As Salaamu Alaykum,

Jazakallah for the comments and Duas.

May Allah make your experiences a means of elevation and may He make the situation of Qabz easy upon you. Aameen.

Remember me in your Duas also.
